Eat that frog!

This website has definitely been a work in progress since I set it up in August. I always planned to really make it a place where you could come and get to know me and I knew I wanted a space of my own to write my blog. The trouble was, the website template I used didn’t have a blog and I didn’t know how to make one, so the website sat there, not really fit for purpose until (by chance) I was looking on the internet for something else and someone posted a YouTube video on setting up your website.

I did watch that video which told me a lot of things I had already done but not how to add a new page formatted like this which was what I wanted. What it did help me with, however, was getting clear that:

@) that was actually what I wanted to do

b) it was possible to do things like that

c) it was possible to find out how by looking on YouTube

As you can see, I found another video, added the blog page and here we are!

Why am I blogging about this today?

Because it’s 6 months since someone made me a website I didn’t know how to use and didn’t think did what I wanted and I could have gone on YouTube the next weekend. I am a big believer in the unconscious mind, so I know it was waiting for the right question to lead me to the the video and beyond to this blog. I just have to ask why it took so long?

I think the answer is, I didn’t want to eat the frog. I thought it would be hard and I didn’t want to bother with it. I out off eating my frog.

If we do these big things first, these things that seem too hard and stressful, then we feel a great sense of accomplishment and the rest of the tasks we have to do seem much easier in comparison.

I should have eaten this frog a long time ago.

What does your frog look like?